(Standing) Larry Burks, XXX, Redditt Hudson, Prisca Barnes, Kenya Cox (Seated) Billy Williamsm Lavonta Williams, Elaine Guiullory, Sandra Rankin, LaWanda DeShazer Schylon and Micah Kubic Mike Kinard Kenya Cox, Robert Layton, Larry Burks Emcees Ashonti Ford (KSNW-TV) & Akeam Ashford (KWCH-TV) Larry Burks, Wichita Branch Prersident Reddit Hudson, Region IV Field Director NAACP Members of the Council of Elders Posting of the flag Chanel McCray sings the “National Anthem” Pastor Roosevelt DeShazer among guest observing “National Anthem” Meloy McCray-Miller, Senator Oletha Faust Goudeau among guest observing “National Anthem” Wichita Braqnch Youth Council served as greeters Head table Don Sherman George Rogers Lavonta Williams welcome political attendees Senator Oletha Faust Goudeau Representative Gail Finney Representative KC Ohaebosim Senator David Haley Senator Ron Estes City Manager Robert Layton WPD Police Chief Gordon Ramsay 1958 Dockum Sit-in pareticipant Galyn Vesey 1958 Dockum Sit-in pareticipant Carol Parks Hahn Wichita Branch President, Larry Burks Brock Booker performs a musical selection Pastor Timothy Sims Terri & Willard Rice Lawanda DeShazer Pastor Kevass Harding, Jo Brown, Teketa Harding Merlin Overton, WPD Gordon Ramsay, Lavonta Williams, Elaine Guillory James Owens, Rep KC Ohaebosim, Merlin Overton Dr. Alicia Thompson, Betty Arnol Antonio Rankin, Dr. Charles Rankin, Sandra Rankin Guest Speaker Reit Hudson Pastor Roosevelt DeShazer “Clergy of the Year” award Emalyn Rogers “Janett Jackson Community Service” award Micah Kubic “Theo Cribbs Political Action” award Nesha Weems accepting the “HN Sims Exceleence in Education ” award on behalf of Dr. Robert Weems Lai-L Daugherty “Ronald Walters Civic Leadership” award Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity “Community/Neighborhood Association” award Habitat for Humanity “Chester I Lewis Distinguished Service” award Robert Layton “Person of the Year” award Larry Dennis “Legacy” award Don Sherman accepts on behalf of Westar Energy as “Business of the Year” award Larry Burks announces special award Sandra Rankin receives “Special Award” “Special Award” presented to Lavonta Williams Kansas Conference of NAACP Branches, Kenya Cox Flowers presented by Wichita Branch President, Larry Burks to Freedom Fund Banquet Chairperson, Elaine Guillory Hutchinson Branch President, Darrell Pope Pastor LeSean Tarkington, Grant Chapel AME Jettie Dennis, Larry Dennis Delores Porter and daughter Celina Porter Sandra Rankin , Mike Kinar Mike Kinard, Antonio Rankin